Azure Friday Episode — Real-time streaming now faster, easier with Confluent Cloud on Azure

Do more with Apache Kafka and friends on Azure!

Abhishek Gupta
May 21, 2021

Hi folks!

I wanted to share this excellent Azure Friday episode about the Confluent Cloud (Apache Kafka) on Azure Marketplace offering along with a demo for a Real-Time Search use case using a gamut of Azure services such as Spring Cloud, Azure Cache for Redis and Azure Database for MySQL.

That’s not all!

You can find more in this blog post ….

…. as well this GitHub repo which has step-by-step instructions on how setup the entire solution and run the end-to-end demo.

High-level Architecture

Hope you find it useful!



Abhishek Gupta

Principal Developer Advocate at AWS | I ❤️ Databases, Go, Kubernetes