Hacking on the KEDA project 👩‍💻
If you’re planning to work on the KEDA project(Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling), you can the following steps for local development.
From the docs: “KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler. With KEDA, you can drive the scaling of any container in Kubernetes based on the number of events needing to be processed. KEDA is a single-purpose and lightweight component that can be added into any Kubernetes cluster. KEDA works alongside standard Kubernetes components like the horizontal pod autoscaler and can extend functionality without overwriting or duplication”
Switch to $GOPATH
and clone required KEDA projects
cd $GOPATHgit clone https://github.com/kedacore/keda
git clone https://github.com/kedacore/chart
Make required code changes for your feature/bug etc.
If you have an existing installation (this will just delete the KEDA operator Deployment
helm uninstall -n keda keda
see Troubleshooting (at the end) section for a possible issue
Confirm that there are no KEDA Pod
kubectl get pods -n keda
Switch to keda
source directory
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kedacore/keda
Set environment variables
//change accordingly using another registry such as quay.io
export IMAGE_REGISTRY=docker.io//use tag of your choice
export IMAGE_TAG=latest//use a docker repo of your choice
export IMAGE_REPO=abhirockzz
If you’re using minikube
for local Kubernetes dev, doing this will allow you to iterate faster since it will build the Docker images on the minikube
host and you won't need to push it to an external Docker repo
eval $(minikube docker-env)
export IMAGE_PULL_POLICY=Nevermake build
If you want to use an external docker repo
make publish
export $IMAGE_PULL_POLICY=Always
anddocker push
Once build is complete, install KEDA using Helm
I used
Helm 3
, but Helm 2 is also supported
This will use the Docker image which you just built (with the code changes)
cd ../charts/kedahelm install keda kedacore/keda --set image.keda=$IMAGE_REGISTRY/$IMAGE_REPO/keda:$IMAGE_TAG,image.pullPolicy=$IMAGE_PULL_POLICY --namespace keda
Confirm all is good (wait till status is Running)
kubectl get pods -n keda -w
To check KEDA operator container logs
kubectl logs -f <keda_pod_name> -c keda-operator -n keda
helm uninstall -n keda keda
might return this
Error: uninstallation completed with 1 error(s): could not get apiVersions from Kubernetes: could not get apiVersions from Kubernetes: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: external.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request
To resolve
kubectl delete apiservice v1beta1.external.metrics.k8s.io
see https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/6361#issuecomment-538220109
Further, if helm install
gives you this error
manifest_sorter.go:175: info: skipping unknown hook: "crd-install"
manifest_sorter.go:175: info: skipping unknown hook: "crd-install"
Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: existing resource conflict: kind: Service, namespace: keda, name: keda-operator
Delete stuff manually
kubectl delete deployment keda-operator -n keda
kubectl delete serviceaccount keda-operator -n keda
kubectl delete clusterrole keda-operator-external-metrics-reader
kubectl delete clusterrole keda-operator
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding keda-operator-hpa-controller-external-metrics
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding keda-operator
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding keda-operator:system:auth-delegator
kubectl delete rolebinding keda-operator-auth-reader -n kube-system
kubectl delete service keda-operator -n keda
Happy hacking! 👩‍💻👨‍💻