Manage Redis on AWS from Kubernetes
Using AWS Controller for Kubernetes
and CDK for Kubernetes
In this blog post, you will learn how to use ACK
with Amazon EKS for creating a Redis cluster on AWS (with Amazon MemoryDB).
AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (also known as ACK) leverage Kubernetes Custom Resource and Custom Resource Definitions and give you the ability to manage and use AWS services directly from Kubernetes without needing to define resources outside of the cluster. It supports many AWS services including S3
, DynamoDB
, MemoryDB
Normally you would define custom resources in ACK using YAML. But, in this case, we will leverage cdk8s (Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes), an open-source framework (part of CNCF) that allows you to define your Kubernetes applications using regular programming languages (instead of yaml
). Thanks to cdk8s
support for Kubernetes Custom Resource definitions, we will import MemoryDB
CRDs as APIs and then define a cluster using code (I will be using Go
for this).
That’s not all! In addition to the infrastructure, we will take care of the application that will represent the application that will connect with the MemoryDB cluster. To do this, we will use the cdk8s-plus library to define a Kubernetes Deployment
(and Service
to expose it), thereby building an end to end solution. In the process, you will learn about some of other nuances of ACK
such as FieldExport
I have written a few blog posts around cdk8s and Go, that you may find useful
To follow along step-by-step, in addition to an AWS account, you will need to have AWS CLI, cdk8s CLI, kubectl, helm and the Go programming language installed.
There are a variety of ways in which you can create an Amazon EKS cluster. I prefer using eksctl CLI because of the convenience it offers!
First, set up the MemoryDB controller
Most of the below steps are adapted from the
documentation - Install an ACK Controller
Install it using Helm
export SERVICE=memorydb#change/update this as required https://api.github.com/repos/aws-controllers-k8s/memorydb-controller/releases/latest
export RELEASE_VERSION=0.0.2export ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE=ack-system
# you can change the region as required
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | helm registry login --username AWS --password-stdin public.ecr.aws
helm install --create-namespace -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE ack-$SERVICE-controller \
oci://public.ecr.aws/aws-controllers-k8s/$SERVICE-chart --version=$RELEASE_VERSION --set=aws.region=$AWS_REGION
To confirm, run:
kubectl get crd# output (multiple CRDs)
acls.memorydb.services.k8s.aws 2022-08-13T19:15:46Z
adoptedresources.services.k8s.aws 2022-08-13T19:15:53Z
clusters.memorydb.services.k8s.aws 2022-08-13T19:15:47Z
eniconfigs.crd.k8s.amazonaws.com 2022-08-13T19:02:10Z
fieldexports.services.k8s.aws 2022-08-13T19:15:56Z
parametergroups.memorydb.services.k8s.aws 2022-08-13T19:15:48Z
securitygrouppolicies.vpcresources.k8s.aws 2022-08-13T19:02:12Z
snapshots.memorydb.services.k8s.aws 2022-08-13T19:15:51Z
subnetgroups.memorydb.services.k8s.aws 2022-08-13T19:15:52Z
users.memorydb.services.k8s.aws 2022-08-13T19:15:53Z
Since the controller has to interact with AWS Services (make API calls), we need to configure IAM Roles for Service Accounts (also known as IRSA).
Refer to Configure IAM Permissions for details
IRSA configuration
First, create an OIDC identity provider for your cluster.
export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=<name of your EKS cluster>
export AWS_REGION=<cluster region>eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME --region $AWS_REGION --approve
The goal is to create an IAM role and attach appropriate permissions via policies. We can then create a Kubernetes Service Account and attach the IAM role to it. Thus, the controller Pod
will be able to make AWS API calls. Note that we are using providing all DynamoDB
permissions to our control via the arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonMemoryDBFullAccess
Thanks to eksctl
, this can be done with a single line!
export SERVICE=memorydb
export ACK_K8S_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=ack-$SERVICE-controller# recommend using the same name
export ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE=ack-system
export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=<enter EKS cluster name>
export POLICY_ARN=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonMemoryDBFullAccess# IAM role has a format - do not change it. you can't use any arbitrary name
export IAM_ROLE_NAME=ack-$SERVICE-controller-roleeksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--cluster $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
--role-name $IAM_ROLE_NAME \
--attach-policy-arn $POLICY_ARN \
--approve \
The policy (
) is chosen as per https://github.com/aws-controllers-k8s/memorydb-controller/blob/main/config/iam/recommended-policy-arn
To confirm, you can check whether the IAM role was created and also introspect the Kubernetes service account
aws iam get-role --role-name=$IAM_ROLE_NAME --query Role.Arn --output textkubectl describe serviceaccount/$ACK_K8S_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE# you will see similar outputName: ack-memorydb-controller
Namespace: ack-system
Labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance=ack-memorydb-controller
Annotations: eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::568863012249:role/ack-memorydb-controller-role
meta.helm.sh/release-name: ack-memorydb-controller
meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: ack-system
Image pull secrets: <none>
Mountable secrets: ack-memorydb-controller-token-2cmmx
Tokens: ack-memorydb-controller-token-2cmmx
Events: <none>
to take effect, you need to restart the ACK Deployment
# Note the deployment name for ACK service controller from following command
kubectl get deployments -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACEkubectl -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE rollout restart deployment ack-memorydb-controller-memorydb-chart
Confirm that the Deployment
has restarted (currently Running
) and the IRSA
is properly configured:
kubectl get pods -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACEkubectl describe pod -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE ack-memorydb-controller-memorydb-chart-5975b8d757-k6x9k | grep "^\s*AWS_"
# The output should contain following two lines:AWS_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<IAM_ROLE_NAME>
Now that we’re done with the configuration, its time for…
in action!
We will go step by step:
- Build and push the application Docker images to a private registry in Amazon ECR
- Deploy
along with the application and required configuration - Test the application
Build Docker image and push to ECR
Create ECR private repository
Login to ECR:
aws ecr get-login-password --region <enter region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <enter aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<enter region>.amazonaws.com
Create private repository:
aws ecr create-repository \
--repository-name memorydb-app \
--region <enter region>
Build image and push to ECR
# if you're on Mac M1
#export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
docker build -t memorydb-app .docker tag memorydb-app:latest <enter aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<enter region>.amazonaws.com/memorydb-app:latestdocker push <enter aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<enter region>.amazonaws.com/memorydb-app:latest
Use cdk8s
and kubectl
to deploy MemoryDB and the application
This is a ready-to-use cdk8s
project that you can use. The entire logic is in main.go file - I will dive into the nitty gritty of the code in the next section.
Clone the project from Github and change to the right directory:
git clone https://github.com/abhirockzz/memorydb-ack-cdk8s-go.git
cd memorydb-ack-cdk8s-go
Generate and deploy manifests
Use cdk8s synth
to generate the manifest for MemoryDB
, the application as well as required configuration. We can then apply
it using kubectl
export SUBNET_ID_LIST=<enter comma-separated list of subnet IDs. should be same as your EKS cluster># for example:
# export SUBNET_ID_LIST=subnet-086c4a45ec9a206e1,subnet-0d9a9c6d2ca7a24df,subnet-028ca54bb859a4994export SECURITY_GROUP_ID=<enter security group ID># for example
# export SECURITY_GROUP_ID=sg-06b6535ee64980616export DOCKER_IMAGE=<enter ECR repo that you created earlier>
# example
# export DOCKER_IMAGE=1234567891012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/memorydb-app:latest
You can also add other environment variables
. These are not mandatory and default tomemorydb-cluster-ack-cdk8s
To generate the manifests:
cdk8s synth# check the "dist" folder - you should see these files:0000-memorydb.k8s.yaml
Let’s deploy them one by one, starting with the one which creates the MemoryDB
cluster. In addition to the cluster, it will also provision the supporting components including ACL, User and Subnet Groups.
kubectl apply -f dist/0000-memorydb.k8s.yaml#output
secret/memdb-secret created
users.memorydb.services.k8s.aws/demouser created
acls.memorydb.services.k8s.aws/demo-acl created
subnetgroups.memorydb.services.k8s.aws/demo-subnet-group created
is used to hold the password forMemoryDB
cluster user.
This initiates the cluster creation. You can check the status using the AWS console. Once the creation is complete, you can test connectivity with redis-cli
# run this from EC2 instance in the same subnet as the cluster
export REDIS=<enter cluster endpoint>
# example
# export REDIS=clustercfg.memorydb-cluster-ack-cdk8s.smtjf4.memorydb.us-east-1.amazonaws.comredis-cli -h $REDIS -c --user demouser --pass Password123456789 --tls --insecure
Let’s apply second manifest. This will create configuration related components i.e. ConfigMap
and FieldExport
s - these are required by our application (to be deployed after this)
kubectl apply -f dist/0001-config.k8s.yaml#output
configmap/export-memorydb-info created
fieldexports.services.k8s.aws/export-memorydb-endpoint created
fieldexports.services.k8s.aws/export-memorydb-username created
In this case, we create two FieldExport
s to extract data from the cluster (from .status.clusterEndpoint.address
) and user (.spec.name
) resources that we created before and seed it into a ConfigMap
is an ACK component that can "export any spec or status field from an ACK resource into a KubernetesConfigMap
". You can read up on the details in the ACK docs along with some examples.
You should be able to confirm by checking the FieldExport
and ConfigMap
kubectl get fieldexport#output
export-memorydb-endpoint 20s
export-memorydb-username 20skubectl get configmap/export-memorydb-info -o yaml
We started out with a blank ConfigMap
, but ACK
magically populated it with the required attributes:
apiVersion: v1
default.export-memorydb-endpoint: clustercfg.memorydb-cluster-ack-cdk8s.smtjf4.memorydb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
default.export-memorydb-username: demouser
immutable: false
kind: ConfigMap
Let’s create the application resources — Deployment
and the Service
kubectl apply -f dist/0003-deployment.k8s.yaml#output
deployment.apps/memorydb-app created
service/memorydb-app-service configured
Since the Service type is
, an appropriate AWS Load Balancer will be provisioned to allow for external access.
Check Pod
and Service
kubectl get pods
kubectl get service/memorydb-app-service# to get the load balancer IP
APP_URL=$(kubectl get service/memorydb-app-service -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}")echo $APP_URL# output example
You have deployed the application and know the endpoint over which it’s publicly accessible. Here is a high-level view of the current architecture:

Now you can access the application…
It’s quite simple — it exposes a couple of HTTP endpoints to write and read data from Redis (you can check it on GitHub):
# create a couple of users - this will be added as a `HASH` in Rediscurl -i -X POST -d '{"email":"user1@foo.com", "name":"user1"}' http://$APP_URL:9090/curl -i -X POST -d '{"email":"user2@foo.com", "name":"user2"}' http://$APP_URL:9090/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0# search for user via email
curl -i http://$APP_URL:9090/user2@foo.comHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 41
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8{"email":"user2@foo.com","name":"user2"}
If you get a
Could not resolve host
error while accessing the LB URL, wait for a minute or so and re-try
Once you’re done…
… don’t forget to delete resources..
# delete MemoryDB cluster, configuration and the applicationkubectl delete -f dist/# to uninstall the ACK controller
export SERVICE=memorydb
helm uninstall -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE ack-$SERVICE-controller# delete the EKS cluster. if created via eksctl:
eksctl delete cluster --name <enter name of eks cluster>
So far, you deployed the ACK controller for MemoryDB, setup a cluster, an application that connects to it and tested the end to end solution. Great!
Now let’s look at the cdk8s
code that makes it all happen. The logic is divided into three Chart
s. I will only focus on key sections of the code and rest will be omitted for brevity.
You can refer to the complete code on GitHub
Code walk through
MemoryDB and related components
We start by defining the MemoryDB
cluster along with the required components - ACL, User and Subnet Group.
func NewMemoryDBChart(scope constructs.Construct, id string, props *MyChartProps) cdk8s.Chart {
secret = cdk8splus22.NewSecret(chart, jsii.String("password"), &cdk8splus22.SecretProps{
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(secretName)},
StringData: &map[string]*string{"password": jsii.String(memoryDBPassword)},
}) user = users_memorydbservicesk8saws.NewUser(chart, jsii.String("user"), &users_memorydbservicesk8saws.UserProps{
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(memoryDBUsername)},
Spec: &users_memorydbservicesk8saws.UserSpec{
Name: jsii.String(memoryDBUsername),
AccessString: jsii.String(memoryDBUserAccessString),
AuthenticationMode: &users_memorydbservicesk8saws.UserSpecAuthenticationMode{
Type: jsii.String("Password"),
Passwords: &[]*users_memorydbservicesk8saws.UserSpecAuthenticationModePasswords{
{Name: secret.Name(), Key: jsii.String(secretKeyName)},
references the User
defined above:
acl := acl_memorydbservicesk8saws.NewAcl(chart, jsii.String("acl"),
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(memoryDBACLName)},
Spec: &acl_memorydbservicesk8saws.AclSpec{
Name: jsii.String(memoryDBACLName),
UserNames: jsii.Strings(*user.Name()),
The subnet IDs (for subnet group) as well as the security group ID for the cluster are read from environment variables.
subnetGroup := subnetgroups_memorydbservicesk8saws.NewSubnetGroup(chart, jsii.String("sg"),
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(memoryDBSubnetGroup)},
Spec: &subnetgroups_memorydbservicesk8saws.SubnetGroupSpec{
Name: jsii.String(memoryDBSubnetGroup),
SubnetIDs: jsii.Strings(strings.Split(subnetIDs, ",")...), //same as EKS cluster
Finally, the MemoryDB
cluster is defined - it references all the resources created above (it has been omitted on purpose):
memoryDBCluster = memorydbservicesk8saws.NewCluster(chart, jsii.String("memorydb-ack-cdk8s"),
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(memoryDBClusterName)},
Spec: &memorydbservicesk8saws.ClusterSpec{
Name: jsii.String(memoryDBClusterName),
}) return chart
Then we move on to the next chart that handles the configuration related aspects. It defines a ConfigMap
(which is empty) and FieldExport
s - one each for the MemoryDB cluster endpoint and username (the password is read from the Secret
As soon as these are created, the
is populated with the required data as perfrom
configuration in theFieldExport
func NewConfigChart(scope constructs.Construct, id string, props *MyChartProps) cdk8s.Chart {
cfgMap = cdk8splus22.NewConfigMap(chart, jsii.String("config-map"),
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{
Name: jsii.String(configMapName)}}) fieldExportForClusterEndpoint = servicesk8saws.NewFieldExport(chart, jsii.String("fexp-cluster"), &servicesk8saws.FieldExportProps{
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(fieldExportNameForClusterEndpoint)},
Spec: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpec{
From: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecFrom{Path: jsii.String(".status.clusterEndpoint.address"),
Resource: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecFromResource{
Group: jsii.String("memorydb.services.k8s.aws"),
Kind: jsii.String("Cluster"),
Name: memoryDBCluster.Name()}},
To: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecTo{
Name: cfgMap.Name(),
Kind: servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecToKind_CONFIGMAP}}}) fieldExportForUsername = servicesk8saws.NewFieldExport(chart, jsii.String("fexp-username"), &servicesk8saws.FieldExportProps{
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(fieldExportNameForUsername)},
Spec: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpec{
From: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecFrom{Path: jsii.String(".spec.name"),
Resource: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecFromResource{
Group: jsii.String("memorydb.services.k8s.aws"),
Kind: jsii.String("User"),
Name: user.Name()}},
To: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecTo{
Name: cfgMap.Name(),
Kind: servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecToKind_CONFIGMAP}}}) return chart
The application chart
Finally, we deal with the Deployment
(in its dedicated Chart
) - it makes use of the configuration objects we defined in the earlier chart:
func NewDeploymentChart(scope constructs.Construct, id string, props *MyChartProps) cdk8s.Chart {
dep := cdk8splus22.NewDeployment(chart, jsii.String("memorydb-app-deployment"), &cdk8splus22.DeploymentProps{
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{
Name: jsii.String("memorydb-app")}})
The next important part is the container and it’s configuration. We specify the ECR image repository along with the environment variables — they reference the ConfigMap
we defined in the previous chart (everything is connected!):
container := dep.AddContainer(
Name: jsii.String("memorydb-app-container"),
Image: jsii.String(appDockerImage),
Port: jsii.Number(appPort)}) container.Env().AddVariable(jsii.String("MEMORYDB_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT"),
&cdk8splus22.EnvValueFromConfigMapOptions{Optional: jsii.Bool(false)})) container.Env().AddVariable(jsii.String("MEMORYDB_USERNAME"),
&cdk8splus22.EnvValueFromConfigMapOptions{Optional: jsii.Bool(false)})) container.Env().AddVariable(jsii.String("MEMORYDB_PASSWORD"),
Secret: secret,
Key: jsii.String("password")},
Finally, we define the Service
(type LoadBalancer
) which enables external application access and tie it all together in the main
Name: jsii.String("memorydb-app-service"),
ServiceType: cdk8splus22.ServiceType_LOAD_BALANCER,
Ports: &[]*cdk8splus22.ServicePort{
{Protocol: cdk8splus22.Protocol_TCP,
Port: jsii.Number(lbPort),
TargetPort: jsii.Number(appPort)}}})
//...func main() {
app := cdk8s.NewApp(nil) memorydb := NewMemoryDBChart(app, "memorydb", nil)
config := NewConfigChart(app, "config", nil) config.AddDependency(memorydb)
deployment := NewDeploymentChart(app, "deployment", nil) deployment.AddDependency(memorydb, config)
That’s all for now!
Wrap up..
Combining AWS Controllers for Kubernetes and cdk8s
can prove useful if you want to manage AWS services as well as the Kubernetes applications - using code (not yaml
). In this blog you saw how to do this in the context of MemoryDB
and an application that was composed of a Deployment
and Service
. I encourage you to try out other AWS services as well - here is a complete list.
Until then, Happy Building!