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Write your Kubernetes Infrastructure as Go code — Manage AWS services

Deploy DynamoDB and a client app using cdk8s along with AWS Controller for Kubernetes

Abhishek Gupta
Published in
12 min readNov 1, 2022

AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (also known as ACK) are built around the Kubernetes extension concepts of Custom Resource and Custom Resource Definitions. You can use ACK to define and use AWS services directly from Kubernetes. This helps you take advantage of managed AWS services for your Kubernetes applications without needing to define resources outside of the cluster.

Say you need to use a AWS S3 Bucket in your application that’s deployed to Kubernetes. Instead of using AWS console, AWS CLI, AWS CloudFormation etc., you can define the AWS S3 Bucket in a YAML manifest file and deploy it using familiar tools such as kubectl. The end goal is to allow users (Software Engineers, DevOps engineers, operators etc.) to use the same interface (Kubernetes API in this case) to describe and manage AWS services along with native Kubernetes resources such as Deployment, Service etc.

Here is a diagram from the ACK documentation, that provides a high level overview:

What’s covered in this blog post?

ACK supports many AWS services, including Amazon DynamoDB. One of the topics that this blog post covers is how to use ACK on Amazon EKS for managing DynamoDB. But, just creating a DynamoDB table isn't going to be all that interesting!

In addition to it, you will also work with and deploy a client application — this is a trimmed down version of the URL shortener app covered in a previous blog post. While the first half of the blog will involve manual steps to help you understand the mechanics and get started, in the second half, we will switch to cdk8s and achieve the same goals using nothing but Go code.

High level architecture

cdk8s? what, why? Because, Infrastructure IS code

cdk8s (Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes) is an open-source framework (part of CNCF) that allows you to define your Kubernetes applications using regular programming languages (instead of yaml). I have written a few blog posts around cdk8s and Go, that you may find useful.

We will continue on the same path i.e. push yaml to the background and use the Go programming language to define the core infrastructure (that happens to be DynamoDB in this example, but could be so much more) as well as the application components (Kubernetes Deployment, Service etc.).

This is made possible due to the following cdk8s features:

  1. cdk8s support for Kubernetes Custom Resource definitions that lets us magically import CRD as APIs.
  2. cdk8s-plus library that helps reduce/eliminate a lot of boilerplate code while working with Kubernetes resources in our Go code (or any other language for that matter)

Before you dive in, please ensure you complete the prerequisites in order to work through the tutorial.

The entire code for the infrastructure and the application is available on GitHub


To follow along step-by-step, in addition to an AWS account, you will need to have AWS CLI, cdk8s CLI, kubectl, helm and the Go programming language installed.

There are a variety of ways in which you can create an Amazon EKS cluster. I prefer using eksctl CLI because of the convenience it offers!

Ok let’s get started. The first thing we need to do is…

Set up the DynamoDB controller

Most of the below steps are adapted from the ACK documentation - Install an ACK Controller

Install it using Helm:

export SERVICE=dynamodb#change/update this as required as per RELEASE_VERSION=0.1.7export ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE=ack-system

# you can change the region if required
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1

aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | helm registry login --username AWS --password-stdin

helm install --create-namespace -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE ack-$SERVICE-controller \
oci://$SERVICE-chart --version=$RELEASE_VERSION --set=aws.region=$AWS_REGION

To confirm, run:

kubectl get crd# output (multiple CRDs)
# etc....

Since the DynamoDB controller has to interact with AWS Services (make API calls), we need to configure IAM Roles for Service Accounts (also known as IRSA).

Refer to Configure IAM Permissions for details

IRSA configuration

First, create an OIDC identity provider for your cluster.

export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=<name of your EKS cluster>
export AWS_REGION=<cluster region>
eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME --region $AWS_REGION --approve

The goal is to create an IAM role and attach appropriate permissions via policies. We can then create a Kubernetes Service Account and attach the IAM role to it. Thus, the controller Pod will be able to make AWS API calls. Note that we are using providing all DynamoDB permissions to our control via the arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess policy.

Thanks to eksctl, this can be done with a single line!

export SERVICE=dynamodb
# recommend using the same name
export ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE=ack-system
export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=<enter EKS cluster name>
export POLICY_ARN=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
# IAM role has a format - do not change it. you can't use any arbitrary name
export IAM_ROLE_NAME=ack-$SERVICE-controller-role
eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--cluster $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
--role-name $IAM_ROLE_NAME \
--attach-policy-arn $POLICY_ARN \
--approve \

The policy is per

To confirm, you can check whether the IAM role was created and also introspect the Kubernetes service account

aws iam get-role --role-name=$IAM_ROLE_NAME --query Role.Arn --output textkubectl describe serviceaccount/$ACK_K8S_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE# you will see similar outputName:                ack-dynamodb-controller
Namespace: ack-system
Annotations: arn:aws:iam::<your AWS account ID>:role/ack-dynamodb-controller-role ack-dynamodb-controller ack-system
Image pull secrets: <none>
Mountable secrets: ack-dynamodb-controller-token-bbzxv
Tokens: ack-dynamodb-controller-token-bbzxv
Events: <none>

For IRSA to take effect, you need to restart the ACK Deployment:

# Note the deployment name for ACK service controller from following command
kubectl get deployments -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE
kubectl -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE rollout restart deployment ack-dynamodb-controller-dynamodb-chart

Confirm that the Deployment has restarted (currently Running) and the IRSA is properly configured:

kubectl get pods -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACEkubectl describe pod -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE ack-dynamodb-controller-dynamodb-chart-7dc99456c6-6shrm | grep "^\s*AWS_"
# The output should contain following two lines:

Now that we’re done with the configuration …

We can move on to the fun parts!

Start by creating the DynamoDB table

Here is what the manifest looks like:

kind: Table
name: dynamodb-urls-ack
tableName: urls
- attributeName: shortcode
attributeType: S
billingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST
- attributeName: email
keyType: HASH

Clone the project, change to the correct directory and apply the manifest:

git clone
cd dynamodb-ack-cdk8s
# create table
kubectl apply -f manual/dynamodb-ack.yaml

You can check the DynamoDB table in the AWS console, or use the AWS CLI (aws dynamodb list-tables) to confirm.
Our table is ready, now we can deploy our URL shortener application.

But, before that, we need to create a Docker image and push it to a private repository in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

Create private repository in Amazon ECR

Login to ECR:

aws ecr get-login-password --region <enter region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <enter aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<enter region>

Create repository:

aws ecr create-repository \
--repository-name dynamodb-app \
--region <enter AWS region>

Build image and push to ECR

# if you're on Mac M1
#export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
docker build -t dynamodb-app .
docker tag dynamodb-app:latest <enter aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<enter region> push <enter aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<enter region>

Just like the controller, our application also needs IRSA to be able to execute GetItem and PutItem API calls on DynamoDB.

Let’s create another IRSA for the application

# you can change the policy name. make sure yo use the same name in subsequent commands
aws iam create-policy --policy-name dynamodb-irsa-policy --policy-document file://manual/policy.json
eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name eks-dynamodb-app-sa --namespace default --cluster <enter EKS cluster name> --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::<enter AWS account ID>:policy/dynamodb-irsa-policy --approvekubectl describe serviceaccount/eks-dynamodb-app-sa# outputName: eks-dynamodb-app-sa
Namespace: default
Annotations: arn:aws:iam::<AWS account ID>:role/eksctl-eks-cluster-addon-iamserviceaccount-d-Role1-2KTGZO1GJRN
Image pull secrets: <none>
Mountable secrets: eks-dynamodb-app-sa-token-5fcvf
Tokens: eks-dynamodb-app-sa-token-5fcvf
Events: <none>

Finally, we can deploy our application!

In the manual/app.yaml file, make sure you replace the following attributes as per your environment:

  • Service account name — the above example used eks-dynamodb-app-sa
  • Docker image
  • Container environment variables for AWS region (e.g. us-east-1) and table name (this will be urls since that's the name we used)
kubectl apply -f app.yaml# output
deployment.apps/dynamodb-app configured
service/dynamodb-app-service created

This will create a Deployment as well as Service to access the application.

Since the Service type is LoadBalancer, an appropriate AWS Load Balancer will be provisioned to allow for external access.

Check Pod and Service:

kubectl get pods
kubectl get service/dynamodb-app-service
# to get the load balancer IP
APP_URL=$(kubectl get service/dynamodb-app-service -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}")
echo $APP_URL
# output example

You have deployed the application and know the endpoint over which it’s publicly accessible.

You can try out the URL shortener service

curl -i -X POST -d '' $APP_URL:9090/# output
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 11:03:40 GMT
Content-Length: 25
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

If you get a Could not resolve host error while accessing the LB URL, wait for a minute or so and re-try

You should receive a JSON response with a short code. Enter the following in your browser http://<enter APP_URL>:9090/<shortcode> e.g. - you will be re-directed to the original URL.

You can also use curl:

# example
curl -i
# output
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 11:07:58 GMT
Content-Length: 0

Enough of YAML I guess! Like I promised earlier, the second half will demonstrate how to achieve the same using cdk8s and Go.

Kubernetes infrastructure as Go code with cdk8s

Assuming you’ve already cloned the project (as per above instructions), change to a different directory:

cd dynamodb-cdk8s

This is a pre-created cdk8s project that you can use. The entire logic is present in main.go file. We will first try it out and confirm that it works the same way. After that we will dive into the nitty gritty of the code.

Delete the previously created DynamoDB table and along with the Deployment (and Service) as well:

# you can also delete the table directly from AWS console
aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name urls
# this will delete Deployment and Service (as well as AWS Load Balancer)
kubectl delete -f manual/app.yaml

Use cdk8s synth to generate the manifest for DynamoDB table and the application. We can then apply it using kubectl

See the difference? Earlier, we defined the DynamoDB table, Deployment (and Service) manifests manually. cdk8s does not remove YAML altogether, but it provides a way for us to leverage regular programming languages (Go in this case) to define the components of our solution.

export TABLE_NAME=urls
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT=eks-dynamodb-app-sa
export DOCKER_IMAGE=<enter ECR repo that you created earlier>
cdk8s synthls -lrt dist/#output

You will see two different manifests being generated by cdk8s since we defined two separate cdk8s.Charts in the code - more on this soon.

We can deploy them one by one:

kubectl apply -f dist/0000-dynamodb.k8s.yaml#output created
configmap/export-dynamodb-urls-info created created created

As always, you can check the DynamoDB table either in console or AWS CLI - aws dynamodb describe-table --table-name urls. Looking at the output, the DynamoDB table part seems familiar...

But what’s

… And why do we need a ConfigMap? I will give you the gist here.

In the previous iteration, we hard-coded the table name and region in manual/app.yaml. While this works for this sample app, it is not scalable and might not even work for a few resources in case the metadata (like name etc.) is randomly generated. That's why there is this concept of a FieldExport that can "export any spec or status field from an ACK resource into a Kubernetes ConfigMap or Secret"

You can read up on the details in the ACK documentation along with some examples. What you will see here is how to define a FieldExport and ConfigMap along with the Deployment which needs to be configured to accept its environment variables from the ConfigMap - all this in code, using Go (more on this during code walk-through).

Check the FieldExport and ConfigMap:

kubectl get fieldexport#output
export-dynamodb-region 19s
export-dynamodb-tablename 19s
kubectl get configmap/export-dynamodb-urls-info -o yaml

We started out with a blank ConfigMap (as per cdk8s logic), but ACK magically populated it with the attributes from the Table custom resource.

apiVersion: v1
default.export-dynamodb-region: us-east-1
default.export-dynamodb-tablename: urls
immutable: false
kind: ConfigMap

We can now use the second manifest — no surprises here. Just like in the previous iteration, all it contains is the application Deployment and the Service. Check Pod and Service:

kubectl apply -f dist/0001-deployment.k8s.yaml#output
deployment.apps/dynamodb-app created
service/dynamodb-app-service configured
kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc

The entire setup is ready, just like it was earlier and you can test it the same way. I will not repeat the steps here. Instead, I will move to something more interesting.

cdk8s code walk-through

The logic is divided into two Charts. I will only focus on key sections of the code and rest will be ommitted for brevity.

DynamoDB and configuration

We start by defining the DynamoDB table (name it urls) as well as the ConfigMap (note that it does not have any data at this point):

func NewDynamoDBChart(scope constructs.Construct, id string, props *MyChartProps) cdk8s.Chart {
table := ddbcrd.NewTable(chart, jsii.String("dynamodb-ack-cdk8s-table"), &ddbcrd.TableProps{
Spec: &ddbcrd.TableSpec{
AttributeDefinitions: &[]*ddbcrd.TableSpecAttributeDefinitions{
{AttributeName: jsii.String(primaryKeyName), AttributeType: jsii.String("S")}},
BillingMode: jsii.String(billingMode),
TableName: jsii.String(tableName),
KeySchema: &[]*ddbcrd.TableSpecKeySchema{
{AttributeName: jsii.String(primaryKeyName),
KeyType: jsii.String(hashKeyType)}}}})
cfgMap = cdk8splus22.NewConfigMap(chart, jsii.String("config-map"),
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{
Name: jsii.String(configMapName)}})

Then we move on to the FieldExports - one each for the AWS region and the table name. As soon as these are created, the ConfigMap is populated with the required data as per from and to configuration in the FieldExport.

fieldExportForTable = servicesk8saws.NewFieldExport(chart, jsii.String("fexp-table"), &servicesk8saws.FieldExportProps{
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(fieldExportNameForTable)},
Spec: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpec{
From: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecFrom{Path: jsii.String(".spec.tableName"),
Resource: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecFromResource{
Group: jsii.String(""),
Kind: jsii.String("Table"),
Name: table.Name()}},
To: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecTo{
Name: cfgMap.Name(),
Kind: servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecToKind_CONFIGMAP}}})
fieldExportForRegion = servicesk8saws.NewFieldExport(chart, jsii.String("fexp-region"), &servicesk8saws.FieldExportProps{
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(fieldExportNameForRegion)},
Spec: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpec{
From: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecFrom{
Path: jsii.String(".status.ackResourceMetadata.region"),
Resource: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecFromResource{
Group: jsii.String(""),
Kind: jsii.String("Table"),
Name: table.Name()}},
To: &servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecTo{
Name: cfgMap.Name(),
Kind: servicesk8saws.FieldExportSpecToKind_CONFIGMAP}}})

The application chart

The core of our application is the Deployment itself:

func NewDeploymentChart(scope constructs.Construct, id string, props *MyChartProps) cdk8s.Chart {
dep := cdk8splus22.NewDeployment(chart, jsii.String("dynamodb-app-deployment"), &cdk8splus22.DeploymentProps{
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{
Name: jsii.String("dynamodb-app")},
ServiceAccount: cdk8splus22.ServiceAccount_FromServiceAccountName(

The next important part is the container and it’s configuration. We specify the ECR image repository along with the environment variables — they reference the ConfigMap we defined in the previous chart (everything is connected!):

container := dep.AddContainer(
Name: jsii.String("dynamodb-app-container"),
Image: jsii.String(image),
Port: jsii.Number(appPort)})
container.Env().AddVariable(jsii.String("TABLE_NAME"), cdk8splus22.EnvValue_FromConfigMap(
cfgMap, jsii.String("default."+*fieldExportForTable.Name()),
&cdk8splus22.EnvValueFromConfigMapOptions{Optional: jsii.Bool(false)}))
container.Env().AddVariable(jsii.String("AWS_REGION"), cdk8splus22.EnvValue_FromConfigMap(
cfgMap, jsii.String("default."+*fieldExportForRegion.Name()),
&cdk8splus22.EnvValueFromConfigMapOptions{Optional: jsii.Bool(false)}))

Finally, we define the Service (type LoadBalancer) which enables external application access and tie it all together in the main function:

Name: jsii.String("dynamodb-app-service"),
ServiceType: cdk8splus22.ServiceType_LOAD_BALANCER,
Ports: &[]*cdk8splus22.ServicePort{
{Protocol: cdk8splus22.Protocol_TCP,
Port: jsii.Number(lbPort),
TargetPort: jsii.Number(appPort)}}})
func main() {
app := cdk8s.NewApp(nil)
dynamodDB := NewDynamoDBChart(app, "dynamodb", nil)
deployment := NewDeploymentChart(app, "deployment", nil)
deployment.AddDependency(dynamodDB) app.Synth()

That’s all I have for you in this blog!

Don’t forget to delete resources..

# delete DynamoDB table, Deployment, Service etc.
kubectl delete -f dist/
# to uninstall the ACK controller
export SERVICE=dynamodb
helm uninstall -n $ACK_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE ack-$SERVICE-controller
# delete the EKS cluster. if created via eksctl:
eksctl delete cluster --name <enter name of eks cluster>

Wrap up..

AWS Controllers for Kubernetes help bridge the gap between traditional Kubernetes resources and AWS services by allowing you to manage both from a single control plane. In this blog you saw how to do this in the context of DynamoDB and a URL shortener application (deployed to Kubernetes). I encourage you to try out other AWS services that ACK supports - here is a complete list.

The approach presented here will work well if just want to use cdk8s. However, depending on your requirements, there is another way this can done by bringing in AWS CDK into the picture. I want to pause right here since this is something I might cover in a future blog post.

Until then, Happy Building!

Published in ITNEXT

ITNEXT is a platform for IT developers & software engineers to share knowledge, connect, collaborate, learn and experience next-gen technologies.

Written by Abhishek Gupta

Principal Product Manager at Microsoft | I ❤️ Databases, Go, Kubernetes

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